Poll your base

You can run a survey created in Yandex Surveys across your entire audience. For example, you might want to post it on your website or send it out via email.

To configure a survey against your own respondents:

  1. Start creating a simple or an advanced survey and go to the Survey settings and launch step.

  2. In the Targetings section, select the My audience tab.

  3. Select the survey language and text direction.

  4. Select Yandex Metrica tag: this allows you to track the survey's conversion rate and analyze its audience. For example, use UTM tags.

  5. If you want to forward the respondent to a certain page after they complete the survey, enter the URL in the Completing the survey box. This may be the website of the service mentioned in the survey, an online store, or the main page of your website.

  6. If needed, enable the Allow to take the survey again option.

  7. Choose a method to send the survey:


    Copy the link to the survey from the interface and send it to your respondents.

    If you want to distribute the same survey across different channels and track where your respondents come from, add UTM tags to the survey link.


    Copy the iframe code and post it on your website.

  8. If necessary, customize the survey appearance.

The first 10 completed questionnaires are free-of-charge: that is, statistics on ten questionnaires will be available to you for free in each survey.

We store survey data on servers in Russia in full accordance with Federal Law 152, "On Personal Data".

UTM tags in survey links

In Yandex Metrica, you can track the source where the respondent has come from.

For example, you decided to send one survey link to Telegram and another link by email. If you assign UTM-tag_1 to the first link and UTM-tag_2 to the second link, you will see traffic for each link in Yandex Metrica individually.

View questionnaires

To view questionnaires:

  1. Click Show responses on the survey page for your database or Results on the My surveys page. This opens the questionnaire purchase window.
  2. Select the Use questionnaires purchase method.
  3. Enable the Show all questionnaires, including incomplete ones option if you want to view questionnaires where respondents didn't answer some of the questions.
  4. Enter the number of questionnaires.
  5. Click Use questionnaires.

If there aren't enough questionnaires to use, you can top up your Yandex Surveys wallet.

Survey appearance

When creating a survey for your own database, you can change the questionnaire appearance. For example, you can add a company logo or change the font. To do this, enable the Custom survey appearance option. The appearance settings will open.

Survey appearance settings

  • Logo: Upload an image in PNG or JPG format. The image size must be no more than 1 MB. The logo will appear in the upper-left corner of the survey.

    We recommend using a rectangular 300 × 80 image. If you upload a logo that's too large, it will be downsized with the same proportions.

  • Main element color: Select the color of radio buttons, checkboxes, scales, buttons, and other survey elements.

  • Inner element color: Select the fill color of radio buttons and checkboxes or the font color of the selected scale element.

  • Background: Enter the background color code or upload an image in PNG or JPG format with a maximum size of 5 MB.

    We don't recommend using background colors that are too bright — it may annoy the respondents and distract them from taking the survey.

  • Links: Add up to three links to be displayed at the bottom of the survey.

  • Legal information: Add the text to be displayed at the bottom of the survey.

  • Survey progress bar: A colored line at the bottom of the survey that gets filled in as the respondent answers the questions. To remove the bar, select the Delete progress bar option.

  • Font: Select the survey font.

To the left of the settings, there's an example of how they affect the survey appearance. If you want to check what the survey will look like to your respondents, click View test survey at the bottom of the page.

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