Types of survey

At the first step of creating a survey, select the type that best suits your goal. For example, you might need to analyze the market or test a new design.

Survey types can be divided into three categories:

  • Builders: Create a survey yourself.
  • Templates: Prepare a survey for the most popular tasks.
  • More sophisticated products: Use in UX testing, for example.

Survey Builders

You can create a survey using a simple or advanced Survey Builder.

Select the simple Survey Builder if you are running a survey for the first time and your budget is small. It has several types of questions.

Select an advanced format for large surveys that have a complex structure. It lets you add image comparison, open-ended questions, and includes all the features of simple surveys.

For more information, see Comparing builders.


For the most popular tasks, you can use templates:

  • Market Analysis: Evaluate the size of the market and the demand of your target audience.

  • Optimal price: Evaluate the optimal price for the product.

  • User behavior: Find out what products people use, how often, and what's important for them.

  • Competitor analysis: Find out the strengths and weaknesses of your competitors.

  • Product concept: Evaluate whether people like your idea and what you need to revise.

  • Name selection: Select a memorable name that evokes the proper associations.

  • Evaluate design: Select an attractive design.

To select a template, contact your Surveys manager. When you select a template, you can adapt it for your purposes. For example, delete unneeded questions or enter the product name.

All templates are created using a simple builder.


In addition to surveys, you can create more sophisticated products.

Video test

Evaluate effectiveness of your creatives at the beginning of a campaign. You will get a rating for your video and recommendations on how to improve it.

For more information, see Video test.

Boardomatic test

The product lets you test boardomatics and find out at the very beginning of video production whether your video prototype achieves your goals, and how clear and convincing the story is.

For more information, see Boardomatic test.

UX testing

Test the design of your website, service, or app when it's still at the prototype stage.

Where do people click to enter a promo code? Where do they try to find hidden information about the product? You will learn all about this and more just by looking at the click map and information about the time spent on each step.

To learn more, see UX testing.

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