User-generated content blocking procedure on Yandex services

Most likely, you were directed to this page because some user-generated content, hosted on Yandex services, was blocked by Yandex.

It happened as a result of applying of one of the procedures, established by Yandex in accordance with Laws of Russia.

User content, hosted on Yandex services, could be blocked by Yandex for the mentioned reasons:

  • Yandex executed a notice form Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Telecom, Information Technologies and Mass Communications (Roskomnadzor) as is ordered by Federal Law "Of information, information technology and information protection" № 149-FZ d. 27 July 2006.

  • Yandex executed a notice form Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Telecom, Information Technologies and Mass Communications (Roskomnadzor) as is ordered by Federal Law № 398-FZ d. 28 December 2013 “On amendments to the Law № 149-FZ d. 27 July 2006 "Of information, information technology and information protection” made according to demand of the Office of Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation on tacking measures on restricting access to the information resource on which the information is placed containing appeals to mass riots, extremist activities, participation in mass (public) actions held with infringement of the established order.

  • Yandex executed a judicial act, a judicatory execution order, or an writ of execution by Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Telecom, Information Technologies and Mass Communications (Roskomnadzor), as is ordered by Federal Law "Of making alterations to certain legislation acts of the Russian Federation, concerning matters of intellectual rights protection in information-telecommunication networks” № 187-FZ d. 02 July 2013.

  • Yandex executed a warrant by a law-enforcement body or by a judicial body as is ordered by legal acts, governing the status and the credentials of such authorities and by legal acts on corporate responsibility in executing such warrants.

  • An author of a work or an exclusive right holder has stated in form of a legal notice, that (in his opinion) hosting a certain data is violating his rights, or a person or an entity has submitted a complaint, claiming to block a certain data, that (in his opinion) contains slander or insults, disclosures information, protected by Law, including personal data, harms the person’s or the entity’s business or civil reputation or violates his or its rights in any other way, and therefore the data was blocked by Yandex as is ordered by our Anonymous Content Rights Restricting Policy:

  • Yandex received a report, stating that certain hosted data violates Yandex legal documents, applicable to the certain service (Terms of Use, Privacy Policies, Offers, or any other applicable documents from the multitude represented at, and decided, that the hosted data violates any of the mentioned documents.

For more information about why content was blocked, contact Yandex technical support:

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