Yandex.Navigator Mobile Program License Agreement

Please carefully read the following terms and conditions of the license agreement before using this program.

Any use of the program implies full and unconditional acceptance of the terms and conditions of this license agreement.

If you do not accept the license agreement in full, you may not use the program for any purpose.

1. General Provisions

1.1. This License Agreement (“the License”) sets the conditions for the use of the Yandex.Navigator program (the Program) for mobile devices and is made between any person using the Program (“the User”) and the company Yandex, 16 Leo Tolstoy St. Moscow 119021 Russia, the owner of the exclusive right to the Program (“the Right Holder”).

1.2. By copying the Program, installing it on their mobile device or using the Program in any way, the User expresses their full and unconditional agreement with all terms of the License.

1.3. Use of the Program shall only be permitted under the terms and conditions of this License. If the User does not accept the License terms and conditions in full, they may not use the Program for any purpose. Use of the Program with violation (non-fulfillment) of any of the terms and conditions of this License shall be prohibited.

1.4. Use of the Program by the User on the terms and conditions of this License for personal non-commercial purposes shall be free. Use of the Software on the terms and conditions and in ways not covered by this License shall be only possible on the basis of a separate agreement with the Right Holder.

1.5. When using the program, the User agrees that the following documents, the terms of which are fully applicable to the use of the Program, shall be an integral part of this License:

These documents (including any part thereof) may be changed by the Right Holder unilaterally without any prior notice, and the new versions of the documents shall take effect on the date of publication, unless otherwise provided for by the new version of the document.

1.6. This License and all relationships connected with the use of the Program shall be subject to the application of the law of the Russian Federation, and any claims or lawsuits arising out of this License or use of the Program shall be submitted and reviewed by the court at the location of the Right Holder.

1.7. The Right Holder may provide to Users a translation of this License from Russian into other languages, but in the event of a conflict between the terms of the License in Russian and its translation, the Russian version of this License shall have an exclusive legal effect. The Russian version of the License is available at:

1.8. The functions of the Program can be restricted, subject to the operation system of User’s device.

1.9. All or some functions of the Service can be unavailable or limited depending on the User’s region. Functions are deemed to be unavailable (limited) for the User from a certain region, if such a User cannot use them explicitly. It is prohibited to use any technical and software-based methods to circumvent these limitations.

2. Rights to the Program

2.1. The Right Holder is the exclusive owner of the rights to the program.

3. License

3.1. The Right Holder shall free of charge and under a simple (non-exclusive) license grant to the User a non-transferable right to use the Program in all countries of the world in the following ways:

3.1.1. To use the Program as intended and to this end produce and install (run) it on a mobile device(s) of the User. The User may install the Program on an unlimited number of mobile devices. When installed on a mobile device, each copy of the Program is assigned a unique number that is automatically reported to the Right Holder.

3.1.2. To run and distribute the Program for non-commercial purposes (free of charge).

4. Restrictions

4.1. Except for use in the scope and ways expressly provided for by this License, or the laws of the Russian Federation, the User may not modify, decompile, disassemble, decrypt or perform other actions with the object code of the Program in order to gather information on the algorithms implemented in the Program, or create derivative works with the use of the Program, as well as otherwise use (or authorize a third party to use) the Program, any components of the Program, the maps stored by the Program in the User’s mobile device, or other images or other data without a written permission.

4.2. The User may not run or distribute the Program for commercial purposes (including for a fee), including as part of a collection of software products without a written permission.

4.3. The User may not distribute the Program in a manner other than in which they received it, without a written permission.

4.4. The Program shall be used (including distributed) under the name of Yandex.Navigator. The User may not modify and/or delete the name of the Program, the copyright mark (copyright notice) or other references to the Right Holder.

4.5. If the User initiates launching the Program with a route constructed or other parameters indicated through functionalities of third-party programs more than ten times a day, the Right Holder may limit possible launches of the Program with a route constructed or other parameters indicated through functionalities of third-party programs. To remove such limitations, the User should contact the Right Holder, inter alia, via the relevant function of the Program.

5. Terms of Use of Individual Functions of the Program

5.1. Some of the functions of the Program may only be performed upon access to the Internet. The User shall receive and pay for such access on their own account on the terms and conditions and at the rates of their service or Internet access provider.

5.2. Cartographic materials, traffic (traffic congestion) database, traffic accident and road repair data along with intellectual property accessed through the Program (hereinafter referred to as the Data) belong to the Right Holder and/or their owners specified in cl. 10 hereof and are only meant for personal non-commercial use by the User as part of the functionalities of the Program. When using the Data, the User shall comply with this License, as well as with all terms and conditions as set by the Yandex Maps Service Terms of Use (“the Terms”). At the same time, any recovery, copying, running, processing, dissemination, placement of the Data in the public domain (publication) on the Internet, any use of the Data in the mass media and/or for commercial purposes and any other use not expressly permitted by this License or the Terms shall be prohibited, unless a prior written permission is issued by the Right Holder.

5.3. The User is hereby notified of and agrees that the Program will transmit to the Right Holder depersonalized data of the User’s location and traffic characteristics received from a GPS device, or the User’s approximate location determined by an active cell of the communications service provider whose SIM card is used at that moment in the User’s mobile device, for gathering statistical information on the traffic status, except for the cases provided for by this Licence.

5.4. All data on the use of Program transmitted in accordance with this License will be stored and processed in accordance with the Privacy Policy (

5.5. The Program provides the following functions to the User:

  • Automatic route making on the maps indicating an optional route from the point of departure to the point of destination as may be specified by the User (–“the Route/Routes”). In making the Route, the User may receive information on the length of the Route, the estimated time of travel as well as other characteristics of the Route

  • Automatic route calculation and the provision of the results thereof in any graphical and/or text form, performed subject to a) the current location of the object; b) the information on changes in speed or travel time of any Route section with respect to the values contained in the original data; c) the information on deviations from the calculated Route and so on

  • Voice guidance along the Route, including, but not limited to, voice messages regarding the direction of travel along the Route, geographical names of the objects in the area, deviations from the calculated Route, changes in the speed or time of passing any part of the Route

  • Storing trip statistics in the User’s Personal Account, subject to the User’s authorization in the Program through its account in Yandex services and confirmation of the User’s consent to gathering of statistics in the Program;
  • Searching objects on the map with this search - depending on the User’s region - being implemented using Yandex search engine and the automatic display of search results on the map in the Program.

The program may send some users an email with information about his/her previous trips, subject to user authorization in the program and specifying the email address.

The User shall independently and fully bear all risks and responsibility for the selection of the Routes and following the selected Routes. The Right Holder does not guarantee the Route accuracy, optimality, relevance and/or the compliance of the Route with the traffic regulations and shall not be responsible for the User’s choice of Routes and following them.

5.6. The Program provides to the User an option to independently and at their own choice add user data, including signs, tags, text labels, messages, etc., on the maps (“the User Objects”). Application of the User Objects does not result in a modification of the original data and is only allowed to facilitate the use of the Program by the User.

The User shall independently and fully bear all risks and responsibility for the selection of the location of User Objects, legal compliance, content, completeness, correctness and accuracy of the description of User Objects. The Right Holder shall have no responsibility for the designation and description of any User Objects; it neither confirms nor denies the compliance with the law, correctness and accuracy of the description of any User Object. The Right Holder shall reserve the right, without notice and at its sole discretion, to delete any User Object or a set of User Objects, when the information contained in its description contradicts the Russian laws, contains profanity, as well as in other cases when the designation and/or description of a User Object and/or dissemination of links to User Objects violates the License, the terms of use of other Right Holder’s services or the provisions of the documents referred to in paragraph 1.5 of this License, as well as to protect the interests of the Right Holder, the users of the Right Holder’s service and those of other third parties. The Right Holder does not guarantee the safety of data on any User Objects in any volume and/or during any period, including in the case of change of the Data in connection with the development of or changes in the Program and/or Yandex Maps service.

5.7. The Program allows to the User to use Yandex. People’s Map layer, an additional feature. The User is hereby notified, acknowledges and agrees that the schematic resulting as part of the layer and based on the user information of Yandex.People’s Map service is not a cartographic product as defined in geodesy and cartography laws of the Russian Federation. The Right Holder does not guarantee geometrical accuracy and compliance with the schematic map projection.

5.8. Traffic penalty search and payment services and parking payment services available to the User via the functionality of the Program are provided by NBCO “Yandex.Money” LLC, OGRN 1127711000031, 11, build. 44, Timur Frunze Street, 119021 Moscow, Russia, postal address PO Box 57, 119021, Moscow, banking license No. 3510-K dd. March 27, 2015. Penalties, city and commercial parking shall be paid from mobile phone accounts, bank cards, Yandex.Money e-wallets subject to the Terms and Conditions for Transferring Money without Opening Account using 'Quick Payment via Yandex.Money' service available online at: The Rightholder does not control technical means and components of NBCO “Yandex.Money” LLC that secure the said payments made by the User and does not guarantee trouble-free and correct operation of such means and components.

5.9. The Program can include links to third-party websites and pages, which are described on such websites and pages. The User can be redirected to such websites and pages by software tools of the Program.

5.10. The Program versions for Android and iOS are based in part on The Independent JPEG Group’s JPEG software created by the Independent JPEG Group.

6. Responsibility under License

6.1. The Program (including the Data) is provided “as is”. The Right Holder provides no warranties as to the error-free and uninterrupted performance of the Program or its components and/or functions, fitness of the Program for particular purposes and the User’s expectations, provides no warranties as to the reliability, accuracy, completeness and timeliness of the Data and provides no other warranties, which are not expressly mentioned herein.

6.2. The Right Holder shall not be liable for any direct or indirect consequences of any use or inability to use the Program (including the Data) and/or damage incurred by the User and/or third parties as a result of any use, non-use or inability to use the Program (including the Data) or its individual components and/or functions, including due to possible errors or failures in the Program, except as expressly provided by law.

6.3. The User is hereby notified and agrees that when using the Program it transmits to the Right Holder automatically the following anonymous information (without any reference to the User): the type of operating system on the User’s mobile device, version and ID of the Program, usage statistics of the Program functions, as well as other technical information.

6.4. All issues and claims related to the use/inability to use the Program or Data, as well as a possible violation of law and/or the rights of third parties by the Program or Data shall be submitted through the feedback form at

7. Program Updates/New Versions

7.1. This License shall apply to all future updates/new versions of the Program. By agreeing to install the update/new version of the Program, the User accepts the terms of this License applicable to the respective updates/new versions of the Program, if the installation of the upgrade/new version of the Program is not supported by other license agreement.

8. Changes in the Terms of This License

8.1. This License Agreement may be changed by the Right Holder unilaterally. A notice to the User of the changes in the terms of this License shall be published on the page These changes in the terms of the License Agreement shall come into effect on the date of publication, unless otherwise specified in the respective publication.

9. Details of Right Holders and Holders of Information:

WebMap Software — © CJSC Resident (

Satellite data:

• Processing © ITC SCANEX, LLC (, Includes IRS Data © ANTRIX Corporation Ltd., Includes material © European Space Imaging GmBH. © DigitalGlobe, Inc.

• Processing © ITC SCANEX, LLC (, Includes "WorldView-2" Data © DigitalGlobe, Inc.

• Processing © ITC SCANEX, LLC (, Includes IKONOS Data © Geo Eye, Inc.

• Processing © ITC SCANEX, LLC (, Includes TerraColor Data © Earthstar Geographics, Includes IRS Data © ANTRIX Corporation Ltd., Includes material © European Space Imaging GmBH.

Road junctions in Kiev are provided by Transnavicom (

Cartographic works:

© Roskartografia


© Resident Consulting OOO (


© Military and Topography Survey Directorate of the General Staff (WTU GSh)

© CJSC Geocenter-Consulting

© Dongeoinformatika (

© FSUE Verkhnevolzhskoye aerogeodezicheskoye predpriyatiye

© State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Training “Siberian State Geodetic Academy” (GOU VPO SGGA), Novosibirsk, 2008

© Discus Media, OOO ( using RSD ITC SCANEX

© Discus Media, OOO (, © St. Petersburg CPA, © FSUE Sevzapgeoinform

© CJSC Firm “Research and Development Centre (NTC) KAMI” (, 2008

© Uralskaya Kartograficheskaya Kompaniya, OOO

© YarMap

© Municipal Unitary Enterprise (MUP) APB under Glavarhitektura, the city of Ufa

© Transnavicom (, Ltd

©, LTD

© Guidejet MAPS 2008

Holders of Data:

Traffic information (the congestion of the roads) is provided by Yandex.Probki, LLC (

Publication date: 28.04.2017

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