Terms of Use of Yandex.Metriсa service

This document is a translation of Terms of use of Yandex.Metriсa service in English. In case of conflict between the Russian version of Terms of use of Yandex.Metriсa service and this translation - only the Russian version of Terms of use of Yandex.Metriсa service is legally binding. The Russian version of Terms of use of Yandex.Metriсa service can be found here: https://yandex.ru/legal/metrica_termsofuse/?lang=ru.

This document, Terms of Use of Yandex.Metriсa Service (hereinafter - Agreement) is an offer of YANDEX, LLC (hereinafter - Yandex) to an Internet user (hereinafter - User) to conclude an agreement on the use of the service Yandex.Metrica (hereinafter - Service) on the conditions stated below.

1. The use of the Service by the User is regulated by this Agreement, as well as:

(Hereinafter collectively referred to as - Regulatory Documents).

The User undertakes to acquaint himself with all Regulatory Documents, and shall bear the risk of failure of such acquaintance.

2. This Agreement and the relations between Yandex and the User arisen in connection to use of the Service, are subject to the applicable laws of the Russian Federation. Throughout the text of this Agreement, unless directly stated otherwise, the term legislation means legislation of the Russian Federation as well as legislation of the User’s place of residence.

3. Having registered at the Service, received a counter code, placed the counter code on the User's site or used any other function of the Service, the User expresses its unconditional consent with all terms of this Agreement and undertakes to comply with them or stop using the Service, by removing the related code from the User's site.

4. When using the Service, the User must comply with the following conditions and limitations:

  • to have a login on Yandex and place the counter code on his website. Yandex has a right to deny access to the Service without explanation;

  • not to remove or alter hyperlinks to the resources of Yandex contained in the counter code;

  • not to install the counter code on sites that do not meet the requirements of paragraph 5 of the User Agreement for Yandex services;

  • not to alter or in any way modify the program counter code, obtained through the Service, except for the change of the User's website settings;

  • not to use any automatic programs or devices to register on Yandex and/or to receive a counter code, except for programs working with the API Yandex.Metrica;

  • comply with all requirements of this Agreement and the current legislation on the protection of personal data and correspondence of the User’s website visitors, as well as other information, access to which is limited according to the legislation, and that can be recorded while using the Service.

5. The User shall be responsible for safekeeping of his login and password and may not transfer or disclose it to third parties. All the actions taken by the Service under the User’s login and password, are considered as accomplished by the User.

6. The Service (including the information obtained with its help) is provided by Yandex “as is”. Yandex does not warrant the fitness of the Service for the purposes and expectations of Users, uninterruptable and error-free operation of the Service in general and the counter installed on the User’s website, in particular, and does not warrant the accuracy of the information obtained through the Service. Yandex shall not be liable for any damage, direct or indirect, caused to the User or any third party by use or inability to use the Service and/or counters installed on the User's website, as well as by use or inability to use the information obtained through the Service. Yandex shall not reimburse the User or any third party for such damages.

7. The User is solely responsible before third parties for his actions when using the Service, including the fact that they meet the requirements of the legislation and do not violate the rights and legitimate interests of third parties. The User shall settle all claims of third parties associated with the actions of the User when using the Service at his own expense.

8. The User is hereby notified and agrees that once the function WebVisor is switched on since the installation of the counter to the pages of the User, the Service provides the User with functional ability to automatically record sessions of visits by the visitors of the pages on the User’s website (hereinafter –Visit Sessions). Yandex does not place such records of Visit Sessions on open access and does not provide such records of Visit Sessions to third parties, except for those records the access to which were provided by the User himself.

9. The User shall at his own risk and discretion switch on the function of the Service WebVisor, define the amount of information on the User’s website, being recorded by the counter. The User can mark specific fields of pages of the User’s web site with a special CSS-class http://help.yandex.com/metrica/qanda/webvisor-qanda.xml#skip-fields (in the HTML-code of pages of the website) for the input of data in such fields by third parties (visitors of the User’s website) not to be recorded during recording of Visit Sessions by the counter and at his own discretion and risk make a decision on the choice of fields for such marks and is solely responsible for recording data in the fields which do not have such a mark.

10. The User acknowledges and agrees that the counter installed on the User’s website collects anonymous (without binding to the personal data of visitors of the web site) data on visits of the User’s web site and automatically forwards them to Yandex for generalized statistical information available for the further use of the Service by the User and by Yandex as well. If the User did not include a restriction to send pages of the web site for indexing (http://help.yandex.com/metrica/code/stop-indexing.xml), the addresses (URL) of pages with the installed counter can be forwarded for indexing by Yandex. Nevertheless, Yandex does not ensure that pages, information of which is obtained in this manner, will be necessarily indexed and included in search results.

11. The User is hereby notified and agrees that Yandex does not know or can not know what information is contained in the data recorded by the counter on the site pages of the User, as well as what information is recorded while recording Visit Sessions and saved in a temporary record of such Visit Sessions, and can not determine whether there is any personal data, correspondence and other limited to receiving, processing and distribution information of third parties in such records (hereafter - Secured information) or not. The Service operates in fully automatic mode, and does not analyse the content and meaning of information published on the pages or entered by visitors in the fields on the page, and records it completely, regardless of its content. Yandex does not make any modifications to the data recorded by the counter, including the recordings of Visit Sessions, and does not perform any actions focused on the collection, receipt, processing and distribution of personal data, correspondence and other Secured information of visitors of the User's website as a result of the User's use of the Service. With this in mind, the User understands that by using the Service, he might gain access to Secured information, and therefore the User undertakes not to take focused actions to obtain such Secured information, and shall to the maximum extent comply with all requirements of applicable law for collection, processing and protection of personal data and other Secured information obtained during using the Service, and shall bear all risks associated with obtaining such Secured information, and the liability for failure to comply with the legislation.

12. All data collected and stored by the Service shall be treated by Yandex as a confidential information of the User, and to the extent permitted by applicable law – as a trade secret of the User. Yandex shall keep that data in secret and shall not transfer that data to any third parties (except for the affiliate entities that are in the same group with Yandex), except where the User has authorized such transfer or has given an access to that data for third parties at his own discretion.

13. Yandex does not guarantee that the installation of the counter, collection, processing and transmission of this information to Yandex does not violate the legislation of the User’s place of residence. The User performs the installation of the counter and uses the Service at his own risk and is solely responsible for all actions related to the use of the Service, including the installation of a counter, the collection and use of information specified by the User.

14. Yandex has the right without notice and at its sole discretion terminate or suspend the User's access to the Service without explanation, in particular, in case of violation of requirements of this Agreement by such the User.

15. All claims arising from the use / inability to use the Service should be directed using the feedback form at http://feedback.yandex.com/?from=metrika.

16. Yandex may at any time without notice to the User amend the text of this Agreement and/or any other conditions of use of Service. The actual text of this Agreement is located at: https://yandex.kz/legal/metrica_termsofuse.

Date: 04.06.2013

Previous version of the document: https://yandex.kz/legal/metrica_termsofuse/20092011