User Agreement for Yandex.Market API for Partners

This document (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) is a proposal of YANDEX LLC, Main State Registration Number: 1027700229193 (hereinafter referred to as Yandex) addressed to a User to use the functionality (hereinafter referred to as the API) of Yandex.Market Service (hereinafter referred to as the Service) under the terms and conditions set forth below.

1. General Terms and Conditions

1.1. For the purposes of this document the User shall mean a Customer requiring services “Yandex.Market” or a person having an agreement with Yandex, whereunder the said person executes commissions of Yandex to effect transactions with third parties in services rendered by Yandex and associated with the placement by Yandex of the said third parties’ advertisements under the terms and conditions of “Yandex.Market” Service Offer (

1.2. The use of the API by the User is governed by this Agreement, Yandex.Market Service Offer posted at (hereinafter referred to as the Offer) and the following documents of Yandex:

1.3. This Agreement and relations between Yandex and the User arising out of or in connection with the use of the API shall be subject to laws of the Russian Federation.

1.4. Using the API, inter alia, having received an authorization key or having used any functionality of the API, the User expresses its full and unconditional consent to all terms and conditions of the Regulatory Documents and undertakes to be bound thereby. The use of the API under terms and conditions other than those specified in this Agreement is only possible as agreed by Yandex in writing. The User may not use the API, if it disagrees with the terms and conditions of the Regulatory Documents.

2. Terms of Use of the API

2.1. The API is a programming interface enabling the User to create applications interacting directly with the system of Yandex.Market to control the placement of advertisements provided by the User at Yandex.Market Service and to use the API in other ways compliant with this Agreement.

2.2. To access the API, one needs to register as prescribed and receive an authorization key (token). Yandex may deny access to the API at own discretion without giving reasons.

2.3. The User is not permitted to use any other means of automated access (robots, etc.) to the Service, except for the API.

2.4. Yandex reserves the right to impose any limits and restrictions on the use of the API or its components. Specifications, recommendations and restrictions on the use of the API are available at:

2.5. Yandex may, without notice and at own discretion, terminate or suspend access for the User to the API (or to certain API functions, if technologically feasible) without giving reasons, in particular, if the User violated the terms and conditions of this Agreement and the Offer.

3. No Warranties, Limitation of Liability

3.1. The API (including any data obtained using it) is provided by Yandex “as is”. Yandex does not guarantee the conformity of the API with goals and expectations of the User, the failure- and error-free operation of the API.

3.2. Yandex shall not be held liable for and shall not indemnify any loss, direct or indirect, caused to the User as a result of the use of or impossibility to use the API and as a result of the use of or impossibility to use information obtained by means of the API.

3.3. The User shall be fully and independently liable for the use and safety of the token. Yandex shall not be held liable for any unauthorized use of the token by third parties.

3.4. All actions performed with the use of the User’s token shall be deemed to be committed by the User. The User undertakes to immediately notify Yandex of any authorized (not permitted by the User) access and/or any safety violation.

3.5. The User understands and agrees that Yandex shall monitor all uses of the API and may collect and analyze statistics on the User’s actions performed by means of the API.

3.6. The User shall be independently liable to third parties for its actions when using the API, inter alia, that they meet legislative requirements and do not infringe on third-party rights and legitimate interests. The User undertakes, independently and at own expense, to settle all third-party claims associated with actions of the User when using the API.

4. Final Provisions

4.1. All issues and claims associated with the use of / impossibility to use the API shall be sent to

4.2. Yandex may, at any time without giving notice to the User, change the text of this Agreement and/or any other terms and conditions of using the API. The valid text of this Agreement is posted at:

Date of publication: September 01, 2021

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