Advertising Requirements

This document is a translation of Advertising Requirements in English. In case of conflict between the Russian version of Advertising Requirements and this translation - only the Russian version of Advertising Requirements is legally binding. The Russian version of Advertising Requirements can be found here:

This document is valid, if placed at

Date of publication: 15.02.2019

Effective Date: 15.02.2019

This document defines the advertising guidelines for advertising materials (Materials) provided by Customers for the provision of "Yandex.Market" Services by Yandex.

General provisions

1. Materials must comply with the requirements set forth in “General Terms and Conditions. Advertising Requirements”, placed at:

2. Materials should be presented in conformity with the standards and requirements set forth in the document "Requirements to the Data Transmission Format and Method", placed at:

3. Yandex accepts for placement advertising materials containing information on goods, realization of which is carried out at retail to individuals without any restrictions and the additional conditions set by the seller, except for the limitations prescribed by law.

4. Unless otherwise provided by the agreement between Yandex and the Customer, Yandex shall not accept for placement the Materials that contain information about previously goods that are distributed in an incomplete assembly, at discount, unadapted for work in Russia.

5. Yandex may at its sole discretion reject placement of the Materials containing information on goods offered in several stores, which allow to make a suggestion about the existence of an affiliation, interchange ability or other close relationship between them, or to make a classification of the crossover range with concealment of duplicate product offerings of such stores [1].

6. Yandex may at its sole discretion refuse to place Materials at Locations with a low nominal conversion value [2].

7. Some of conditions and restrictions mentioned in the document «Advertising Requirements», placed in the Internet at:, may not be applied to Product offers from "Medicines and medical items" categories provided they are displayed on the Yandex.Market Service.

8. Placement of certain types of Materials, namely: names of the stores, store logos, must comply,inter alia, with the basic requirements set forth in the section "Help" placed at: and

Requirements for the content of the Materials

8. It is not allowed to use as part of the Materials:

8.1. uppercase words with the exception of abbreviations, which consist of the first capital letters of several words ("USSR", "GOST", etc.);

8.2. telephone numbers, email addresses, postal addresses, icq numbers or other systems of online paging, including placement of this information on the images provided as part of the Materials, and also links in the description of a Product Offering in the price list of YML, XLS, CSV and Client web-interface;

8.3. identical offerings, including offerings that differ only in spelling (replication);

8.4. other information not relative to name and description of a Product Offering, including any html-tags, except for the case where html-tags are contained in the description of the Product Offering in the price list of YML. Descriptions of Product Offerings containing the html markup (the h3 tags, ul/li, p, br) is acceptable to put in blok character data, CDATA;

8.5. two and more offers selling the same product, excluding products from "Auto tyres", “Truck tyres”, “Motorcycle tyres”, “Wheel disks” categories (for such categories it is allowed to use two offers selling the same product at the price depending on the minimum order content (i. e. depending on the number of product units in the order)).

9. The name and description of a Product Offering, provided as part of the Materials, must not contain:

a. words not related to the name and description of the product;

b. enumerations and different spelling variants of a Product Offering: the words “discount”, “sale”, “cheap”, “gift” (except for gift categories), “free”, “promotion”, “special price”, “new product”, “new”, “analogue”, “order”.

9.1. Information on the discounts available for a product offering shall not be placed by the Customer other than within a special element described in the document titled ‘Requirements to the Data Transmission Format and Method’ published at

10. Images provided as part of the Materials must not contain any text legends and graphical objects, except for copyright notices accounting in total for 10% of the image area maximum (unless otherwise provided for by legislative requirements).

11. The Materials must contain true information and must correspond to the real current offering of the store, i.e.:

11.1. actual price of the goods or the lowest possible good's price in the range of "from ____" for certain categories of goods for the user (including old price and new price if the goods are subject to a discount) should be given, including all taxes [3];

11.1.1. When placing the Materials, targeted to Ukraine, the Republic of Kazakhstan or the Republic of Belarus, the Customer undertakes to specify the actual final price of the goods or the lowest possible good's price in the range of "from ____" for certain categories of goods for the user in the appropriate national currency. The Customer also guarantees that such good's price fully complies with the conditions, on which the Customer exercises its sale in certain state.

11.1.2. If the Materials, specified in clause 11.1.1., provided by the Customer without price in the national currency, the price is calculated automatically on a daily basis in accordance with the exchange rate set by the relevant Central Bank or other authorized state body specified in clause 11.1.1. The Customer guarantees to provide, in addition to the guarantees mentioned in clause 11.1.1. above, that he really offers users the goods at the price in the respective national currency calculated in specified herein order.

11.2. status “available”, specified by the Customer in the description of product offering, means that

11.2.1. the store is ready to deliver the goods to the buyer located in the region corresponding to the region chosen by the Customer in the section “Your Region” within the time specified in the client web-interface, or in the absence of such specified time within two business days (for product offerings with the possibility of delivery). The section "Your Region" should feature the place of actual business of the store, where the goods the buyer purchased can be returned or exchanged. The store’s phone number belonging to the place of actual business of the store and/or a federal phone number shall be listed as a phone number. If the said requirements are not adhered to, the Customer undertakes to provide the service involving the return or exchange of the goods the user purchased or ensure that the same is provided, by own efforts and at own expense;

In this respect, the Customer can independently set “business days” in the client web-interface in the section “Working Hours of Delivery Service in Your Region”. If the Customer did not specify, which days are business days for delivery (sending) of the goods to the buyer, calendar days are automatically deemed to be business days, except for weekends and public holidays under the applicable laws.

11.2.2. the store is ready to deliver the goods to the buyer located in the region other than the region chosen by the Customer in the section “Your Region” within the time specified in the client web-interface, or in the absence of such specified time to send the goods within two business days (for product offerings with the possibility of shipping);

11.2.3. the store is ready to release the goods to the buyer in a pick-up point within the term specified in the Customer’s Web Interface.

In this respect, for the purposes of subcl. 11.2.2 and 11.2.3 “business days” shall mean business days under applicable laws. Besides, the specified delivery time (e.g., “today”) means that delivery shall be performed, if the following conditions are met simultaneously: (1) delivery is performed at 9.00 a.m. at the earliest and at 11.00 p.m. at the latest of the relevant delivery day agreed by the Customer and the buyer; and (2) the delivery interval (i.e. the time, within which the Customer can deliver the goods to the buyer) shall be no less than 4 hours and no more than 8 hours.

11.3. the status “on demand”, specified by the Customer in the description of product offering, means that the store is ready to take an order and deliver the goods within the period agreed with the buyer and not exceeding two months (except for goods produced on demand, the estimated delivery time of which is agreed with the buyer at the time of order placing). In this respect, if the Customer does not specify the status “on demand” in the description of the product offering, the rules stipulated by cl. 11.2 above shall be automatically applied to determine delivery dates of this product offering;

11.4. The Customer may be allowed to indicate the “delivery-options days” element with the following values in the description of product offering instead of the statuses specified in subcl. 11.2.1 and 11.3 above:

  • “X” days (any digital value ranging from 0 to 31). In this respect, if the Customer specifies a value exceeding 31 calendar days in the description of product offering, the status “on demand” will be automatically applied to such description as mentioned in cl. 11.3 above.
  • “X – Y” days (any digital value ranging from 0 to 31). Maximum gap in such range should not exceed 2 days. Therefore, if the Customer indicates the range of goods delivery exceeding such restriction, “X” will be automatically reduced to “Y-2”. In this respect, if the Customer specifies a value exceeding 31 calendar days, the status “on demand” will be automatically applied to the description of product offering as mentioned in cl. 11.3 above.

If the Customer transfers an unfilled “delivery-options days” element in the description of product offering, the status “on demand” will be automatically applied to the description of such product offering as mentioned in cl. 11.3 above.

The “delivery-options days” element is not applicable for the purposes described in cl. 11.2.2 and 11.2.3.

If the Customer chooses the “delivery-options days” element, the statuses “on demand” and “available” (except as stipulated in this clause) will not be applied.

11.5. Usage by the Customer of the section “Service delivery” when configuring the placement of Materials means that the Customer guarantees that it does offer customers the delivery of the relevant goods by the cargo carriers they had selected.

11.6. Declared Product Offering warrant terms should comply with producer warrant terms if warrant is provided.

11.7. The Customer actually sells and intends to sell the products, described in the Materials. In case the Customer intends to sufficiently change the assortment of products described in the Materials (e.g. the products of “Clothes” category are replaced by “Electronics” category products [4]), the Customer undertakes to notify Yandex in advance regarding such change, suspend placement of respective Materials and provide Yandex with amended Materials for review [4].

12. Materials should be written in Russian without typing errors. The provisions of this paragraph shall not apply to trade names and trademarks.

13. Name and description of the product offering, provided as part of the Materials, are meant to be read by users, and not for indexing by search robot, so they must consist of normal phrases but not be limited to the list of search words.

14. The Materials must comply with the content of that webpage, on which the Link leads.

15. When Product Offerings selling the same product at the price depending on the minimum order content (i.e. depending on the number of product units in the order) are placed, the user will be shown no more than two such Product Offerings of one store of the Customer.

Requirements for the website of the Customer, which allows the buyer to purchase a product specified in the product offering, directly on the website of Customer's store

16. Each product offering placed shall correspond to a separate page on the website of the Customer. This page should include Purchase/Order option or shopping cart for ordering via Customer site.

17. The webpage of the Customer, to which the link leads, should contain a description of the advertised product, its price (for some cases the lowest possible price) and information on how to purchase this product. The order for a product must be received during working hours of the store via phone number, specified at the website (or via client web-interface). The time period for answering the call routed to such phone number shall not exceed 1,5 minutes, or, in case of use of answering machine informing the caller regarding the response awaiting time – 10 minutes. The order made via the Customer site should be confirmed to the buyer by the Customer manager or by email within one hour after the order placement. If the price for the Customer’s products depends on the number of products ordered, the Customer’s website page shall inform of the product price depending on the number of products the user chose.

18. If the page of the site to which the link leads, during the placement of Materials by Yandex is not responding or opens incorrectly, then the placement of materials will be suspended until the error is resolved.

19. On the page of the Customer, to which the link leads no additional windows should open (PopUp or PopUnder) or be redirected to another page (redirect) without user's permission.

20. Information about the seller of products must be relevant to the information provided by the Customer in the web-interface and must be mentioned on the Customer's website; the information about delivery, inter alia in pickup point, if any, should be reflected in full detail including the final cost of the delivery. In case of customer pick up, the information about outlets should be published, including the working hours and address. Relevant information should also be submitted for placement on Yandex.Market.

20.1. Customer website (entirely or mainly) must work properly [5], including:

20.1.1. Website shall not be in development or in content placement phase;

20.1.2. Functional elements of the website (content search, social media networks’ elements, and etc.) must ensure due interaction between User and website of the Customer (search of information, navigation, workable external links and using the social media networks’ elements);

20.1.3. Domain name used for the Customer website shall not sufficiently contradict with the content of the website, misleading the users regarding the content of the website and the assortment of products, offered by the Customer (e.g., using the domain name or in case the Customer offers for sale mainly the products of “Electronics” and “Consumer electronics” is not allowed).

Requirements for the website of the Customer, which doesn't allow the buyer to purchase a product specified in the product offering, directly on the website of Customer's store

21. Information about sale outlets, to be submitted for placement at Yandex.Market, shall be reflected at the Customers website, including the working hours and address of the store.



[1] Yandex shall decide on the concealment, rejection or termination of the placement of duplicate product offerings, at its sole discretion, based on information available at its disposal.

Stores (the sites to which the Link leads, included in the product offerings, recognized as duplicated) may be considered similar, regardless of differences in range, design, pricing, structural organization and belonging of sites to different persons.

Overlapping range is recognized as product offerings of similar stores belonging to the same product, including a description of the identical product offerings, and with differences in individual characteristics (modifications) of the same product.

When grouping all product offerings of similar range are combined in a group, one product offering from such group will be shown to user, all other product offerings of the group shall be deemed duplicated and not placed at Locations. At Locations, where only one product offering from a store is shown, only one product offering is shown for similar stores.

Product offerings, which Yandex found to be duplicated, have zero relevance and not shown. The user is allowed to view all duplicating product offerings of the group, when clicking the relevant link.

The selection of the offering to be shown to the User from the group, is determined by the User's settings, rules of relevance, priority of placement and Location.

Without prejudice to the foregoing, product offerings of two or more stores cannot be deemed similar, if:

A) the following requirements are met simultaneously:

- one of the stores is placed at Yandex.Market for at least 3 years, while: (a) the website traffic of each store amounts to at least 20,000 unique users per month for the last 6 months according to Yandex.Metrica; (b) no placement of any store at Yandex.Market was suspended (stopped) for material violations of any terms of any agreements and rules governing the placement of Materials at Yandex.Market (including but not limited to this document);

- all of the stores have different legal entities (individual entrepreneurs) acting as sellers;

- a legal entity (individual entrepreneur / individual) acting as the Customer in relation to the relevant store has a positive history of placements at Yandex.Market, inter alia, it has no and had no outstanding amounts owed to Yandex for the Services of Yandex.Market;

- all of the stores have different contact details (for sellers, sales outlets, etc.), inter alia, they use separate call centers for each store;

- all of the stores pursue various marketing policies (e.g., they use different brands to promote the stores, run different (separate) marketing campaigns, use various price setting principles, take different approaches to product description, use various methods to individualize the stores (different trademarks and other means of individualization)).

B) if one or more stores, which product offerings under any other circumstances would be deemed similar, are mono-brand (i.e. meant to promote one brand) stores of a producer of relevant goods provided that contact details (inter alia, for the seller of the goods, the call center, etc.) are different for each store.

[2] In these cases Yandex takes the decision to terminate the placement of the Materials based on an assessment of available information at its sole discretion. At the same time the nominal conversion means the value, which determines the usefulness of the product offering for the users of Yandex.Market.

[3] The attraction of attention to the store by means of placing product offerings with unreliable (lowered) price, by ordering or purchasing of which it is proposed to buy a similar or the same product at higher price, is not allowed. In this case Yandex may stop placing such Materials or the whole Materials of the store, taking into account the available estimation at its sole discretion.

The Customer is not permitted to state the cost of product as its old price that exceeds the average price for similar products in two or more times. The average price of similar products shall be determined based on Yandex statistical data.

[4] For the purposes of this paragraph the extension of the number of product categories (assortment of products), offered for sale in the Customer’s store, or minor changes of assortment (changes of assortment within one product category, e.g. within “Consumer electronics” category) shall not be considered as replacement of assortment. In case of breach by Customer of the provisions of this section 11.7 Yandex may suspend placement of the relevant Material, or all the Materials of the store, taking into account all the information available to Yandex in its sole discretion.

[5] Yandex decides in its sole discretion regarding the incompliance of the Customer website with the requirements, set in this section, taking into account all the information available to Yandex. In case of breach by Customer of the provisions of this section 20.1 Yandex may suspend placement of the relevant Material, or all the Materials of the store.


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