Advertising Requirements

This document is a translation of Advertising Requirements in English. In case of conflict between the Russian version of Advertising Requirements and this translation - only the Russian version of Advertising Requirements is legally binding. The Russian version of Advertising Requirements can be found here:

This document is valid, if placed at

Date of publication: 08.09.2015

Effective Date: 08.09.2015

This document defines the advertising guidelines for advertising materials (Materials) provided by Customers for the provision of "Yandex.Market" Services by Yandex.

General provisions

1. Materials must comply with the requirements set forth in “General Terms and Conditions. Advertising Requirements”, placed at:

2. Materials should be presented in conformity with the standards and requirements set forth in the document "Requirements to the Data Transmission Format and Method", placed at:

3. Yandex accepts for placement advertising materials containing information on goods (services), realization of which is carried out at retail to individuals without any restrictions and the additional conditions set by the seller, except for the limitations prescribed by law.

4. Yandex shall not accept for placement the Materials that contain information about previously goods that are distributed in an incomplete assembly, at discount, unadapted for work in Russia.

5. Yandex may at its sole discretion reject placement of the Materials containing information on goods (services) offered in several stores, which allow to make a suggestion about the existence of an affiliation, interchange ability or other close relationship between them, or to make a classification of the crossover range with concealment of duplicate product offerings of such stores [1].

6. Yandex may at its sole discretion refuse to place Materials at Locations with a low nominal conversion value [2].

Requirements for the content of the Materials

7. It is not allowed to use as part of the Materials:

7.1. uppercase words with the exception of abbreviations, which consist of the first capital letters of several words ("USSR", "GOST", etc.);

7.2. telephone numbers, email addresses, postal addresses, icq numbers or other systems of online paging, including placement of this information on the images provided as part of the Materials;

7.3. identical offerings, including offerings that differ only in spelling (replication);

7.4. other information not relative to name and description of a Product Offering, including any html-tags;

8. The name and description of a Product Offering, provided as part of the Materials, must not contain:

a. words not related to the name and description of the product (except for the definition of color, size, configuration or completing units);

b. enumerations and different spelling variants of a Product Offering: the words “discount”, “sale”, “cheap”, “gift” (except for gift categories), “free”, “promotion”, “special price”, “new product”, “new”, “analogue”, “order”.

8.1. Information on the discounts available for a product offering shall not be placed by the Customer other than within a special element described in the document titled ‘Requirements to the Data Transmission Format and Method’ published at

9. Images provided as part of the Materials must not contain any text legends and graphical objects, except for copyright notices accounting in total for 10% of the image area maximum (unless otherwise provided for by legislative requirements).

10. The Materials must contain true information and must correspond to the real current offering of the store, i.e.:

10.1. actual price of the goods for the user (including old price and new price if the goods are subject to a discount) should be given, including all taxes [3];

10.1.1. When placing the Materials, targeted to Ukraine, the Republic of Kazakhstan or the Republic of Belarus, the Customer undertakes to specify the actual final price of the goods (services) for the user in the appropriate national currency. The Customer also guarantees that the price of goods (services) fully complies with the conditions, on which the Customer exercises its sale in certain state.

10.1.2. If the Materials, specified in clause 10.1.1., provided by the Customer without price in the national currency, the price is calculated automatically on a daily basis in accordance with the exchange rate set by the relevant Central Bank or other authorized state body specified in clause 10.1.1. The Customer guarantees to provide, in addition to the guarantees mentioned in clause 10.1.1. above, that he really offers users the goods at the price in the respective national currency calculated in specified herein order.

10.2. status “available”, specified by the Customer in the description of product offering, means that

- the store is ready to deliver (send) the goods to the buyer within two business days (for the product offerings with the possibility of delivery);

- the store is ready to give goods to the buyer at the orders collection point within two working days or send the goods to the collection point, which is located in another region, within two working days (for product offerings with the possibility of customer pick up).

10.3. the status “on demand”, specified by the Customer in the description of product offering, means that the store is ready to take an order and deliver the goods within the period agreed with the buyer and not exceeding two months (except for goods produced on demand, the estimated delivery time of which is agreed with the buyer at the time of order placing).

10.4. Usage by the Customer of the field “Delivery by Cargo Carriers” when configuring the placement of Materials means that the Customer is aware of the cost and terms of delivery specified in this section and ensures that it does offer customers the delivery of the relevant goods by the cargo carriers they had selected, and cost and terms of delivery specified in the cost section fully comply with the terms under which the Customer offers the delivery of the goods to customers.

10.5. Declared Product Offering warrant terms should comply with producer warrant terms if warrant is provided.

11. Materials should be written in Russian without typing errors. The provisions of this paragraph shall not apply to trade names and trademarks.

12. Name and description of the product offering, provided as part of the Materials, are meant to be read by users, and not for indexing by search robot, so they must consist of normal phrases but not be limited to the list of search words.

13. The Materials must comply with the content of that webpage, on which the Link leads.

Requirements for the website of the Customer, which allows the buyer to purchase a product/work/service specified in the product offering, directly on the website of Customer's store

14. Each product offering placed shall correspond to a separate page on the website of the Customer. This page should include Purchase/Order option or shopping cart for ordering via Customer site.

15. The webpage of the Customer, to which the link leads, should contain a description of the advertised product/work/service, its price and information on how to purchase this product/work/service. The order for a product/work/service must be received during working hours of the store via phone number, specified at the website. The order made via the Customer site should be confirmed to the buyer by the Customer manager or by email within one hour after the order placement.

16. If the page of the site to which the link leads, during the placement of Materials by Yandex is not responding or opens incorrectly, then the placement of materials will be suspended until the error is resolved.

17. On the page of the Customer, to which the link leads no additional windows should open (PopUp or PopUnder) or be redirected to another page (redirect) without user's permission.

18.Information about the seller of products/works/services must be relevant to the information provided by the Customer in the web-interface and must be mentioned on the Customer's website; the information about delivery, if any, should be reflected in full detail including the final cost of the delivery. In case of customer pick up, the information about outlets should be published, including the working hours and address. Relevant information should also be submitted for placement on Yandex.Market.

Requirements for the website of the Customer, which doesn't allow the buyer to purchase a product/work/service specified in the product offering, directly on the website of Customer's store

19. Information about sale outlets, to be submitted for placement at Yandex.Market, shall be reflected at the Customers website, including the working hours and address of the store.



[1] Yandex shall decide on the concealment, rejection or termination of the placement of duplicate product offerings, at its sole discretion, based on information available at its disposal.

Stores (the sites to which the Link leads, included in the product offerings, recognized as duplicated) may be considered similar, regardless of differences in range, design, pricing, structural organization and belonging of sites to different persons.

Overlapping range is recognized as product offerings of similar stores belonging to the same product, including a description of the identical product offerings, and with differences in individual characteristics (modifications) of the same product.

When grouping all product offerings of similar range are combined in a group, one product offering from such group will be shown to user, all other product offerings of the group shall be deemed duplicated and not placed at Locations. At Locations, where only one product offering from a store is shown, only one product offering is shown for similar stores.

Product offerings, which Yandex found to be duplicated, have zero relevance and not shown. The user is allowed to view all duplicating product offerings of the group, when clicking the relevant link.

The selection of the offering to be shown to the User from the group, is determined by the User's settings, rules of relevance, priority of placement and Location.

[2] In these cases Yandex takes the decision to terminate the placement of the Materials based on an assessment of available information at its sole discretion. At the same time the nominal conversion means the value, which determines the usefulness of the product offering for the users of Yandex.Market.

[3] The attraction of attention to the store by means of placing product offerings with unreliable (lowered) price, by ordering or purchasing of which it is proposed to buy a similar or the same product at higher price, is not allowed. In this case Yandex may stop placing such Materials or the whole Materials of the store, taking into account the available estimation at its sole discretion.

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