License Agreement for the Use of the Yandex.Maps Program

Before using the program, please, read the terms of the license agreement below.

Any use of the program means your full and unconditional acceptance of the terms of this license agreement.

If you disagree with any the terms of the license agreement in full, you may not use the program for any purposes.

1. General Terms

1.1. The License Agreement for the Use of the Yandex.Maps Program (hereinafter referred to as the “License”) sets the terms of using the Yandex.Maps Program (hereinafter referred to as the “Program”) and is concluded between any person using the Program (hereinafter referred to as the “User”) and YANDEX LLC, (16 Lva Tolstogo St., Moscow 119021, Russia), which is the owner of the exclusive right to the Program (hereinafter referred to as the “Right Owner”).

1.2. By copying the Program, installing it on his/her device or otherwise using the Program, the User is deemed to have expressed his full and unconditional agreement with the terms of the License.

1.3. Use of the Program is allowed exclusively on the terms of this License. If the User does not accept the terms of the License in full, the User has not the right to use the Program for any purposes. Using the Program in violation of (without meeting) any of the terms hereof is prohibited.

1.4. The User’s use of the Program on the terms of this License for personal non-commercial purposes is free of charge. Use of the Program on terms and in a manner not provided for in this License is possible only under a separate agreement with the Right Owner.

1.5. The use of the Program the User shall be governed by the following documents, the terms and conditions of which are fully applicable to the use of the Program, constitute integral parts of this License:

The specified documents (specifically, any parts thereof) may be unilaterally amended by the Right Owner without any special notice; revised editions of the specified documents will enter into force from the moment of their publication unless otherwise provided for in revised editions of the specified documents.

1.6. This License and all relations relating to the use of the Program will be governed by the law of the Russian Federation, and any claims or lawsuits arising out of this License or use of the Program will be filed and considered in a court at the Right Owner’s whereabouts.

1.7. The Right Owner may furnish to the User a translation of this License from Russian into other languages, but in case of conflict between the terms of the License in Russian and its translation only the Russian version of the License will have legal effect.

2. Rights to the Program

2.1. The exclusive right to the Program belongs to the Right Owner.

3. License

3.1. The Right Owner furnishes the User for no compensation with a non-transferable right to use the Program worldwide, under the terms of an ordinary (non-exclusive) license, as follows:

3.1.1. To use the Program for its direct functional purpose, for which purpose to copy and install (reproduce) it on the User’s device(s). The User may install the Program on an unlimited number of devices. When being installed on a device, each copy of the Program will be assigned a unique number, automatically reported to the Right Owner.

3.1.2. To reproduce and distribute the Program for non-commercial purposes (without compensation).

4. Restrictions

4.1. Save for using to the extent and in the manner as expressly provided for in this License or the law of the Russian Federation, the User has not the right to modify, decompile, disassemble, decrypt or perform other acts with the object code of the Program with the aim to obtain information about the implementation of the algorithms used in the Program, to create derivative works using the Program, or to otherwise use (allow other use of) the Program, any components of the Program, map materials, other images and other data stored by the Program on the User’s device, without a written consent of the Right Owner.

4.2. The User has not the right to reproduce and distribute the Program for commercial purposes (including for a fee), specifically, as part of collections of software products, without a written consent of the Right Owner.

4.3. The User has not the right to distribute the Program in a form other than the form in which the User received the Program, without a written consent of the Right Owner.

4.4. The Program will be used (and distributed) under the name “Yandex.Maps”. The User may not change and/or delete the name of the Program, the copyright notice or other references to the Right Owner.

4.5. If the User launches Program with a plotted route or with indication of other parameters by using the functionality of third party programs more than five times a day, the Right Owner shall have a right to restrict the use of the Program functions for a 24-hour period beginning from the moment of imposition of restrictions by displaying a relevant warning of Program functionality restriction and the reasons thereof on the User screen. The User shall address the Right Owner to remove such restrictions including by using the relevant Program function.

5. Terms of the Use of Individual Functions of the Program

5.1. Performance of individual functions of the Program is only possible given the Internet access. The User will obtain and pay at his discretion for such access on the terms and at the rates of his service or Internet access provider.

5.2. Map materials, road situation (road traffic) databases and other items of intellectual rights, access to which is granted by the Program (hereinafter referred to as the Data) belong to the Right Owner and/or their owners listed in Clause 9 of this License, and are intended exclusively for personal non-commercial use by the User within the scope of the Program functionality. When using the Data, in addition to this License, the User shall also abide all terms and requirements provided for in the Terms of the Use of the Yandex.Maps Service (hereinafter referred to as the Terms). Any retrieval, copying, reproduction, processing, distribution of the Data, their placement for free access (publication) in the Internet, any use of the Data in mass media and/or for commercial purposes and any other use, not expressly allowed in this License or the Terms, is prohibited without prior written authorization by the Right Owner.

5.3. The User is hereby notified that the Program transfers to the Right Owner depersonalized data on the User’s exact location and movement parameters received from a GPS device or on the User’s approximate location identified by an active cell of the telecom provider, which SIM card is currently used in the User’s mobile device, to collect traffic statistics, and depersonalized voice records if voice activation is on.

5.4. All data on the use of the Program transmitted in accordance with this License is stored and processed in compliance with the Privacy Policy located at (

5.5. The Program enables the User to independently add at his discretion user data onto maps, including signs, marks, textual subscripts, messages, etc. (hereinafter referred to as the User Objects). Adding the User Objects does not modify the source Data, it is allowed only for convenience of the use of the Program by the User.

The User entirely bears at his discretion all risks and liability for selecting locations of the User Objects, compliance of added User Objects with the law, their content, completeness, accuracy and reliability of description. The Right Owner bears no liability for designation or description of any User Object; the Right Owner neither confirms nor refutes compliance of any User Object with the law, its accuracy and reliability of description. The Right Owner reserves the right to delete at its discretion without any warning notice any User Object or a set of User Objects, if information contained in its description runs counter to the law of the Russian Federation and/or to the law of the User’s country of residence, contains obscenities, as well as in other cases when designation and/or description of User Objects and/or spreading a link to User Objects breaches the License, the terms of the use of other Right Owner’s services or provisions of the documents listed in Clause 1.5 of this License, as well as for the purpose of protecting interests of the Right Owner, users of the Right Owner’s services, other third parties. The Right Owner provides no warranty of the integrity of User Object data to any extent and/or during any term, including in case of changes in the Data in connection with development of or change in the Program and/or the Yandex.Maps Service.

5.6. Information on the cost of goods and services offered on the location of the object indicated on the map marked on the cards is provided by the partners of the Right Owner. This information is for reference only. The Program does not guarantee the accuracy, relevance and/or compliance of the indicated prices with the real prices established at the time of the User’s request for the purchase of goods / services at the location of the object, and the Program shall not be hold responsible for the quality of the goods / services purchased.

5.7. The Program enables the User to build routes automatically on maps indicating route options from the point of departure to the point of destination specified by the User (hereinafter referred to as the Routes). Building the Routes does not modify the source Data, it is allowed only for convenience of the use of the Program by the User.

The User entirely bears at his discretion all risks and liability for selecting a Route and following a selected Route. The Right Owner provides no warranty of the accuracy, optimality, relevancy and/or correspondence of the Routes to the traffic regulations and bears no liability for the User’s selection and following of the Routes.

5.8. The Program provides the User with the functionality of using voice activation to carry out search queries by voice dialing, receiving summaries (prompt response) for specific queries. Responses received using voice activation are generated automatically by indexing publicly available information. Therefore, the Right Owner shall not be responsible for the accuracy, relevance, and correctness of information received by the User via this function.

5.9. The Program makes it functionally possible for the User to find out whether the phone number of a caller making an incoming call to the User’s mobile device belongs to any organization included in the Yandex.Maps database. The information found is displayed on the screen of the User’s mobile device, when the incoming call is received. The Right Owner does not guarantee that the information found via the said function is accurate and reliable. By installing, using, registering and/or signing in the Program, the User confirms that he/she acknowledges and agrees that, when the said function is used, the Right Owner may automatically and anonymously (with no reference to the User) receive information on phone numbers of incoming and outgoing calls of the User’s mobile device within the use of the Program.

5.10. The Program enables the User to use an additional function – Yandex Map Editor (Yandex.People’s Map) layer. The User hereby is notified, is aware and agrees that the scheme provided as part of the said layer, which is based on the user data of the Yandex.Public’s Map Service. The Right Owner provides no warranty of the geometrical accuracy and observance of the mapping scheme projection.

5.11. The versions of the Program for Android, iOS and Symbian are partially based on The Independent JPEG Group's JPEG software, created by the Independent JPEG Group.

5.12. When using the Program, the User may have access to the functionality of the Yandex.Zapravki service provided by Yandex.Zapravki LLC (OGRN (Primary State Registration Number): 1187746812725) under the terms and conditions published at Starting to use the functions of Yandex.Zapravki service in the Program, the User agrees with the Terms of Use of the Yandex.Zapravki service (, including the fact that the data on the use of the Yandex.Zapravki service can be transferred from Yandex.Zapravki LLC to the Rightholder in order to maintain the functioning of the Yandex.Zapravki service when using the Program.

6. Liability under the License

6.1. The Program (including the Data) is provided “as is”. The Right Owner provides no warranties regarding error-free and uninterrupted operation of the Program or its individual components and/or functions, consistency of the Program with specific goals and expectations of the User, reliability, accuracy, completeness and actuality of the Data, and provides no other warranties not expressly provided for in this License.

6.2. The Right Owner bears no liability for any direct or indirect consequences of any use of or inability to use the Program (including the Data) and/or damage caused to the User and/or third parties as a result of any use, non-use of or inability to use the Program (including the Data) or its individual components and/or functions, including due to possible errors or failures in the Program, except in cases expressly provided for in the law.

6.3. The User is hereby notified and agrees that when the Program is used on a mobile device the following information will be automatically and anonymously (without reference to the User) transmitted to the Right Owner: the type of the operating system on the User’s mobile device, the version of the Program and the Program ID, statistics on the User’s use of functions of the Program, and other technical data.

6.4. All questions and claims relating to the use of/inability to use the Program or the Data and possible infringement by the Program or the Data of the law and/or third party rights will be submitted via the feedback form available at

7. Updates/New Versions of the Software and third party software

7.1. This License covers all future updates/new versions of the Program. By installing an update/new version of the Program and/or proceeding to the use of the Program, the User agrees to the terms of this License with respect to corresponding updates/new versions of the Program unless updating/installing a new version of the Program requires any other license agreement. The User agrees to hold the Right Owner harmless for any and all effects that an update/new version of the Program may have on the User and his/her ability to use the Program and the Yandex.Maps service, in whole or in part.

8. Change of the Terms of this License

8.1. This License may be changed by the Right Owner from time to time.

It is User’s responsibility to review this License for any changes, information on changes made in the terms and the current version of the License are published at the page: Any changes in the terms of the License Agreement shall come into force from the date of their publication unless otherwise specified in a corresponding publication. By continuing to use the Program, the User agrees to the new or revised License. The User shall discontinue the use of the Program in case of any disagreement with the revised terms of the License.

9. Information on Right Owners and Data Owners:

The list of the right holders and the owners of the information being used can be found at:

10. Additional Information:

The state borders between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Abkhazia, Georgia, the Republic of South Ossetia, the Republic of Estonia are subject to international legal recognition.

Date of publication: 16.09.2020

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