Yandex.Disk API Terms of Use

YANDEX Limited Liability Company (hereinafter referred to as Yandex) offers its Yandex.Disk API service to an Internet user (hereinafter referred to as the User) on the terms and conditions set forth herein (hereinafter referred to as the Terms of Use).

1. General Provisions

1.1. Terms and Definitions

Service shall mean Yandex.Disk API service that is an application programming interface enabling a developer to integrate Yandex.Disk functionality into its own Software Product;

Data shall mean data on the performance of Yandex.Disk to be displayed via the Service to the Service Users and End Users including, but not limited to user data, Yandex.Disk content summary and files and folders stored on Yandex.Disk of the Service User of End User;

End User shall mean an individual having Yandex services account and using Yandex.Disk service;

User shall mean a developer using the Service to integrate Yandex.Disk functionality into its own Software Product;

Software Product shall include computer programs, mobile applications and web-based services of the User created with the use of the Service;

Yandex.Disk shall mean the service provided by Yandex subject to the Terms of Use of Yandex.Disk Service available at that is intended to be used for placing files in the disk space of Yandex servers with the aim to store files in such space, to synchronize files with Yandex.Disk Users’ devices, to view, change, delete or control third-party access to files and to enjoy access to data placed by other Yandex.Disk Users upon authorization of such other Yandex.Disk Users or otherwise;

OAuth Token shall mean a key to be obtained by the User at giving access to the Service functions within the User Software Product.

1.2. The use of the Service by the User shall be governed by these Terms of Use and the following documents:

1.3. Once the User has commenced using the Service or any of its individual functions including the OAuth Token by registering with the Service, placing the Service code on the User’s website or using any other functionality provided by the Service, the User shall be deemed to have accepted and shall comply with these Terms of Use, as well as the terms and conditions of all the documents referred to in clause 1.2 above, to the full extent and without any reservations and exceptions. The Service may not be used on the terms and conditions other than those set forth in the documents mentioned above, unless with a prior written consent of Yandex. If the User does not accept any of the terms and conditions of the abovementioned documents, the User may not use the Service.

1.4. The User shall be solely responsible for the compliance with the Laws while using the Service. Whenever used in these Terms of Use, unless otherwise expressly provided herein, the term “laws” shall mean any applicable laws including both the laws of the Russian Federation and the local laws of the place of residence of the User or the place of performance by the User of legally significant actions subject to these Terms of Use. If any functionality provided by the Service and used by the User violates the laws, the User shall refrain from using the Service.

1.5. These Terms of Use and the relations between Yandex and the User arising in connection with the use of the Service shall be governed by the law of the Russian Federation.

2. Use of the Service

2.1. To get access to the Service, the User must register according to the prescribed procedure and obtain the OAuth Token. Yandex may, at its own diskretion, refuse access to the Service without giving reasons. The User may not use programs, devices or other means to obtain the OAuth Token automatically or otherwise in violation of the procedure established by Yandex.

2.2. In case of excess of the maximum Service hits – 40 (forty) requests per second the Service access may be restricted or discontinued.

2.3. The User may use the Data and functions available via the Service only within the scope of the functionality provided by the Service.

2.4. When using the Service, the User shall notify of the use of Yandex technology by:

2.4.1 inclusion of information regarding the use of Yandex technology into the description of the User Software Product.

2.4.2 placement of Yandex.Disk logo on the description of the User Software Product and interface elements of the User Software Product enabling redirection of the End Users to Yandex.Disk.

2.5. It is unacceptable to use Yandex.Disk name and Yandex.Disk logo in the following cases:

2.5.1 Yandex.Disk name and similar sounding names may not be used as part of the names of the User Software Products.

2.5.2 Yandex.Disk logo and similar logos may not be used as logos for the User Software Products.

Yandex.Disk logo and name may be used in advertising materials related to the User Software Products. When using Yandex.Disk logo or name in the User Software Products or advertising materials related thereto, such elements should not be smaller in size than similar elements of the other services;

Any usage of Yandex.Disk identity style, including usage of logo, allowed or prescribed by this document, shall be performed in accordance with the rules, permanently avaliable at

2.6 When using the Service, the User may not delete, hide or modify any trademarks, logos, links or other references to Yandex or other persons contained in the Service or obtained via the Service, as well as other notices and/or information provided by the Service.

2.7. The User may not change, decompile and/or modify in any way a source code received via the Service.

2.8. The User may not save, change, delete or otherwise process the Data (except for the User’s personal files stored in Yandex.Disk) excluding the End User Data for which the End User has given the User its consent to the actions as aforesaid.

2.9. The User may not use the Service to create any web-based service or computer program or for any other purposes, if such use results in violation of the Laws, documents listed in clause 1.2 above and/or any third-party rights and lawful interests.

2.10. The User is hereby informed and agrees that the Service can receive and transmit to Yandex, for the purpose of assessing the performance of the Service, data regarding the number of the End Users of the User Software Products using the Service and about the operations performed by the End Users within such User Software Products.

2.11. Yandex reserves its right to modify, improve or update the Service at any time without any prior notice to the User. Upon the next stable release, Yandex shall announce such release on the Service web pages. Once the new version of the Service is released, Yandex shall no longer guarantee stable and long-sustained operation of its older versions. If the User does not agree to use the updated version of the Service, it may either continue to use the older version of the Service at its own risk or stop using the Service by removing the relevant code from the User Software Product(s).

2.12. Yandex reserves its right to include advertising materials, as it thinks fit, into the Data. When using the Data, the User may not delete, change or hide such advertising materials without the prior consent of Yandex.

2.13. Yandex may, at its own diskretion, stop or suspend the User access to the Service without any prior notice and without giving reasons, in particular, if the User fails to comply with the requirements of these Terms of Use.

3. Intellectual Property Rights

3.1. Yandex shall have the exclusive right to the Service. Yandex or other right holders shall have the exclusive rights to the Data. These Terms of Use shall not create any other rights of the User to use the Service or Data except for the opportunities provided directly though the Service interface subject to these Terms of Use.

3.2. By using the Service, the User shall authorize Yandex to use logos, trademarks and/or trade names of the User, its Software Products and/or website for information, advertising and marketing purposes without any further consent of the User and without any fee payable to the User for such use.

4. Disclaimer

4.1. The Service (including the Data) shall be provided by Yandex on an as is basis. Yandex shall not guarantee that the Service and Data will satisfy the purposes and expectations of the User, that the Service and its individual elements and functions will demonstrate uninterrupted and error-free performance, and that the Data will be true, accurate, complete and up-to-date. Yandex shall not guarantee uninterrupted and error-free performance of third-party software products and solutions (including libraries) recommended to be used in conjunction with the Service according to specifications and other documents related to its use.

4.2. The User shall be solely and fully responsible for the use and safety of its OAuth Token. The User may not obtain the OAuth Token for any third party or transfer or provide it to any third party. Yandex shall not be liable for any unauthorized third-party use of the OAuth Token. Any actions performed within the Service through the User’s OAuth Token shall be deemed performed by such User.

5. Final Provisions

5.1. Yandex may, at its own diskretion and without any prior notice, stop or suspend the User access to the Service or to its individual functions through the account and/or OAuth Token of such User without giving reasons, in particular, if the User fails to comply with the requirements of these Terms of Use.

5.2. Any and all questions and claims related to the use/unavailability of the Service shall be sent via the form avaliable at

5.3. These Terms of Use may be amended by Yandex without any notice to the User. The current version of these Terms of Use shall be available at A revised version of the Terms of Use shall take effect upon its publication on the Internet at the address given above in this clause. If the User continues to use the Service after amendment of these Terms of Use, the User shall be deemed to have accepted the revised version of these Terms of Use. If the User does not accept any of the amendments made by Yandex to these Terms of Use, the User shall stop using the Service.

Date of publication: 29.05.2015

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